The Leader Who Thrives as a Wellspring of Agility
In agile leadership, positional power and control are replaced by asking, influencing, and holding self and others accountable.
The Leader Who Thrives: One Piece at a Time
In what ways do preconceptions influence decisions? Are they based on observation or on ‘gut’?
The Leader Who Thrives: What do you see
Tomorrow is today and we cannot wait until vaccines and conditions take hold before we take hold of leadership.
The Leader Who Thrives: At the Beginning I was okay, Now I’m tired!
Home office subsidies may be more cost efficient than having an office building and performance exceeds expectations. Setting our sights on what we used to know sets us up for failure. So how do we go about motivating our remote work force?
The Leader Who Thrives: Work is Social
How we can experience a little of ‘glad that’s over’ in these Covid times. Tomorrow is today and we cannot wait until vaccines and conditions take hold before we take hold of leadership.